Apply for childcare (via Welsh Government)

Apply now


You can read about the offer below but you will need to apply on Welsh Government's site (external link).

If you need any advice or help with completing your application or have any questions about the Childcare Offer, you can email, or visit the Wellbeing Hub, Crown Buildings, Chester Street, Wrexham (between 9.30am-12.30pm).

Contact the Childcare Offer for Wales Helpline if you have any problems with the online application, to check whether your application has been received or to find out how long your application will take to process. You can do this by calling 03000 628 628.

What is the offer?

If you’re a working or studying parent living in Wrexham, and you fit the eligibility criteria, you can apply to access the Welsh Government Childcare Offer for three to four year olds.

The offer is available for your child to access from the start of the term following their third birthday, until the September after they turn four.

The offer means you can access up to 30 hours of combined government-funded childcare and early education or foundation phase nursery per week.

To access the offer you’ll need to apply for early education or foundation phase nursery separately, as well as applying for the childcare element through the Childcare Offer for Wales Digital Platform.

How is the offer provided?

The Childcare Offer is made up of childcare combined with education for three and four year olds (Funded Early Education and Foundation Phase Nursery). The overall combined allowances provide up to 30 hours per week. 

Scheme Learning Entitlement Childcare Allowance
Funded Early Education 10 hours per week 20 hours per week
Foundation Phase Nursery 12.5 hours per week 17.5 hours per week

Funded Early Education is available in the spring and summer term for children whose 3rd birthday falls between September 1 and the start of the summer term.

Foundation Phase Nursery is available for the full three terms for children whose 3rd birthday is on or before August 31. 

While the Childcare Offer is provided for up to 48 weeks of the year, 39 weeks are treated as term time. The other nine weeks of the 48 weeks are treated as non-term time, or ‘holiday weeks’. The number of holiday weeks a child can access will depend at what point in the academic year the child started the Childcare Offer. During these holiday weeks children receive just 30 hours of childcare per week.

If you have any queries about the Childcare Offer you can contact Wrexham Family Information Service at