Our Play and Youth Support Team is made up of two teams of experienced playworkers and youth workers.

We aim to provide quality playwork and youth work opportunities to communities in Wrexham.

Youth and play registration

If you're a young person who wants to join a youth work activity, you'll need to register. This is to make sure that all contact details (including your emergency contacts) are available if needed.

If you would like your child to attend one of our playwork sessions you will need to register.

You can register your details for youth work provision or play sessions by filling in our online form.

Start now


Contact the Play and Youth Support Team

Email: play@wrexham.gov.uk or youthservice@wrexham.gov.uk

Wrexham Play and Youth Support Team, Ruabon Centre of Excellence, Off Stanley Grove, Ruabon, LL14 6AH.