Our responsibilities 

1. We must give you, and anyone living with you, help and advice if you report antisocial behaviour. We will investigate your complaints, keep you informed and take appropriate action to tackle the problem.

Your responsibilities

2. You are responsible for the behaviour of every person (including children) living in or visiting your home. You are responsible for their behaviour in your home, on nearby land, in shared areas, in the estate area around your home or on any of our premises.

3. You and the people you are responsible for must not cause or be likely to cause a nuisance to, or annoy or distress anyone.

4. You and the people you are responsible for must not do anything which interferes, or is likely to interfere with the peace, comfort or convenience of anyone.

5. You and the people you are responsible for must not harass or threaten to harass anyone.

6. You and the people you are responsible for must not make false or malicious complaints about the behaviour of any other person.

7. You and the people you are responsible for must not use or threaten violence against any other person. This includes using or threatening violence towards any member of your own household.

8. You and the people you are responsible for must not harass, use or threaten violence, or be abusive to any of our employees, agents, contractors or councillors.

9. You and the people you are responsible for must not display, or allow to be displayed, in any part of your home which can be seen by people on the estate around your home or other lawful visitors to your home or nearby land, any poster, message, communication or any image which is offensive or obscene.

10. You and the people you are responsible for must keep to all our signs displayed in buildings, shared areas or on the estate area around your home (for example, no ball games).

11. You and the people you are responsible for must not commit or allow any immoral or illegal activity (such as prostitution, possession of drugs, drug dealing, assault and so on).

12. You and the people you are responsible for must not damage or put graffiti on any property. If you do, you must return the property to how it was before. If you do not do this within a reasonable time, we may carry out any repair or replacement needed and will charge you the costs. We may charge you the costs before carrying out the work.

13. You and the people you are responsible for must not interfere with security or safety equipment. In shared blocks, you must not leave doors open or let strangers in without identification. Except in the case of emergencies, fire doors must not be left open.

14. You and the people you are responsible for must not break any of our local bye-laws. You can ask to see the bye-laws at the Guildhall, Wrexham.

15. You and the people you are responsible for must not park any vehicle which causes an obstruction to other people or their vehicle.

16. You and the people you are responsible for must not drive, ride or park any vehicle on grassed verges, greens or footpaths.

17. You and the people you are responsible for must not leave rubbish anywhere. You should place household rubbish or recyclable waste at the collection point (which we will tell you about) on the day, or the day before if the collection takes place early in the morning. Only items that are collected by us as part of the normal collection should be placed out, and these should be in proper bags or containers.

18. You must make sure that once your rubbish or recyclable waste has been collected, you remove the relevant container from the collection point the same day.