Councillors, also known as elected members, are an important part of local democracy. They are each elected to serve a ward (a specific area or community in Wrexham).

To be an effective councillor requires time commitment; they are responsible for supporting communication between local people and the council.

The role of councillors

All councillors are expected to:

Represent and support communities

This includes:

  • representing the interests of their ward 
  • being a representative for the council in the ward and communities they serve
  • being a channel of communication to the community on council strategies, policies, services and procedures
  • representing individual constituents and local organisations, undertaking casework on their behalf and serving all fairly and equally
  • working with executive members, other council members, council officers and partner organisations to ensure that the needs of the local communities are identified, understood and considered
  • promoting tolerance and cohesion in local communities

Make decisions and oversee council performance

This includes:

  • participating in Full Council meetings, reaching and making informed and balanced decisions, and overseeing performance
  • participating in informed and balanced decision making on committees and panels to which they might be appointed
  • adhering to the principles of democracy and collective responsibility in decision making
  • promoting and ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of council and other public services

Represent the council (subject to appointment)

This includes:

  • representing the council on local outside bodies as an appointee of the council
  • representing the council on local partnership bodies, promoting common interest and co-operation for mutual benefit
  • representing and being an advocate for the council on national bodies and at national events

Maintain internal governance, ethical standards and relationships

This includes:

  • promoting and supporting good governance of the council and its affairs
  • providing community leadership and promoting active citizenship
  • promoting and supporting open and transparent government
  • supporting, and adhering to respectful, appropriate and effective relationships with employees of the council
  • adhering to the Members’ Code of Conduct, the Member/Officer Protocol, all other adopted codes and protocols and the highest standards of behaviour in public office

Participate in personal and role development

This means participating actively in opportunities for development and training provided for members by the authority.

Find out more in the Constitution

Section 13 of the Constitution provides a summary of who is responsible for making various decisions in the council. Section 24 of the Constitution contains further specific role descriptions (as councillors may be appointed to certain committees as well as being part of Full Council).

To navigate the constitution select the relevant section name from the content list at the start to jump to that part of the document.