What do we mean by a Performance Management Framework?

Our performance management framework is the structure we use to assess how well we are doing in delivering services for the citizens and communities we serve.

The performance management framework is based around an ongoing cycle of Plan, Do, Review, involving self-assessing where we are and what we want to deliver (our outcomes), carrying out our plans, and reviewing the progress we have made. 

The performance management framework is focused on making sure that we deliver our outcomes and achieve our corporate and partnership priorities. These outcomes and priorities are set out in the Council Plan and the Public Service Board’s Wellbeing Plan.

The three steps of our performance management framework

These steps are part of an ongoing cycle.

Step 1: Plan

Develop and launch our Council Plan, service plans and workforce plans.

Step 2: Do 

Council Plan and service plan delivery.

Step 3: Review 

Performance management process.

How our plans link together 

At each level in the council we have plans which are followed to help us achieve our corporate and partnership priorities:

  1. Corporate level: Council Plan
  2. Service level: service plans
  3. Team level: team plans
  4. Individual level: professional development records

Each level is informed by the one before and in turn feeds back into how plans are developed at each level in the future. This helps us achieve our vision as a council, which is linked to the Wales Well-being Goals.

Why do we manage performance?

Performance management creates a system where we can monitor and evaluate:

  • the work we are doing
  • customer satisfaction feedback 
  • progress made towards our outcomes

By monitoring our performance this supports our improvement journey to achieve the outcomes that the people of Wrexham County Borough want.

Performance management is part of our delivery of the council priorities at all levels.

By having robust monitoring in place this provides an early indication of any issues. We can then adjust activities and move resources where needed to deliver our outcomes. 

Who is responsible for performance?

Everyone in the council is responsible for performance management and ensuring we deliver good services to our customers. 

Examples of performance management structures that support and challenge our performance within Wrexham County Borough Council include:

  • Executive Board 
  • Scrutiny Committees  
  • Council Plan Priority Boards, these are responsible for ensuring that we deliver on our council priorities
  • Other improvement boards set up to address areas that we have identified that we need to improve

Performance reporting against Council Plan priorities 

We monitor performance at both corporate and service levels. 

At service level, services manage their own performance in support of our council priorities.

At a corporate level, performance against our Council Plan priorities is monitored quarterly by our Priority Boards. It is then reported to Executive Board and Scrutiny at quarters 2 and 4. 

We publish a report showing the progress we are making with our Council Plan priorities each year. You can find the latest available report below. 

The following Annual Performance Report relates to our Council Plan 2020-23.

Our first Annual Performance Report for the new Council Plan 2023-28, is due to be published in summer 2024.