A skilled, diverse and sustainable workforce must be in place to deliver the services that our communities need and want. We will strive to ensure that Wrexham County Borough Council is an ‘employer of choice’ to attract, recruit and retain individuals with the skills and experience that will benefit our communities. We understand that this is a challenging task in the national context of a highly competitive recruitment market and aim to continue to respond with new initiatives to support recruitment and retention for example the continued roll out of our ‘Grow your Own’ approach, to address recruitment difficulties in certain areas, such as social care. 

The health and well-being of our employees is vital to maintain a resilient and adaptable workforce delivering services.  We will support our workforce by ensuring that we maintain our active approach to employee well-being and corporate health.  We will ensure that robust people management practices are in place to support and manage employees experiencing periods of sickness and to maintain high levels of attendance and continue to reduce absence levels.

We will continue to actively promote and support a thriving Welsh language and Welsh culture in our workforce and our communities to generate a pride in our Welsh-ness.  It is vital that the council continues to ensure it is adhering to the Welsh Language Standards.

This objective is cross-cutting and in helping the council deliver improvements across all of its wellbeing objectives and services, will contribute to all seven of Wales’ Well-being Goals – but in particular directly supporting a resilient Wales, which is globally responsible and has a vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language.  

Our Priority Outcomes; what we want to work towards: 

*indicates a Strategic Equality Objective

  1. The council has a strong people management culture and arrangements in place to support employee well-being and manage sickness absence effectively, resulting in improved attendance and reduced levels of sickness absence.
  2. The well-being of our employees is supported through a range corporate health and wellbeing initiatives.
  3. *The council is an ‘employer of choice’ able to recruit and retain a diverse and sustainable workforce, with a modern approach to work and a framework of employee rewards and benefits.   
  4. *Any gender based pay gap identified will be reviewed and better understood.  Appropriate work will commence to address this gap and other pay gaps where relevant.
  5. *Welsh language and culture is thriving within our workforce and our communities and is actively promoted and supported.  
  6. The council’s finances are well managed, and resources are allocated to support the delivery of sustainable and resilient services which directly support the delivery of our council priorities.

This Priority contributes directly to the following Wales Well-being Goals:

  • A prosperous Wales
  • A resilient Wales
  • A healthier Wales
  • A more equal Wales
  • A Wales of more cohesive communities
  • A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
  • A globally responsible Wales