1 April 2019
Wrexham Pupil Referral Services is a portfolio Pupil Referral Unit providing full time education for pupils unable to attend school due to behaviour, serious ill health or for those who otherwise would not receive suitable education. All pupils are either single registered or dual registered (main) with their mainstream school. The service also provides ‘home tuition’ for pupils who are unable to attend school due to health reasons for a short time period. All of these pupils remain on roll of their mainstream school. Wrexham Pupil Referral Services is subject to regulation through the Estyn inspection framework.
Information collected
- Name
- Address
- Contact Details
- Date of Birth
- Ethnicity
- Disability Special Educational Needs
- Language
- Gender
- Education Information
- Agency involvement
- Relationships Information
- Family Composition Health Information
- Referral/Assessment Information
- Relevant Case Information/Case Notes
- Mental Capacity Information
- Other Agencies Involved
- Financial Information
- Risk Assessments
Agencies we might share the information with
- Other Local Authorities
- Other departments within Wrexham Local Authority
- Health Agencies
- General Practitioners
- Third Sector Organisations
- Charitable Organisations/Trusts/Foundations
- Schools
- Commissioned Delivery Partners
- Transport Services
- Advocacy Services
- Regulatory Bodies
- Welsh Government
- Welsh Audit Office
- Police and Youth Offending
- Legal Representatives
- Immigration
- National Crime Agency
- Judicial Agencies (e.g. Courts)
Purpose for processing
- Service Planning and Delivery
- Service Improvement
- Research
- Staff training
- Marketing
- Audit
- Prevention/Detection of Crime/Fraud