Pay now

All schools catered for by Wrexham School Meals

You can order and pay for school meals online via ParentPay (external link). You can also use a bar code to pay at any PayPoint location (external link).

We are not able to accept payments by cash or cheque.

How to get a ParentPay account

  1. Email with your child’s full name, date of birth and name of their school, and ask for a Parent Pay activation code.
  2. You will receive an activation code to get your account up and running.

The ParentPay website explains how to activate your ParentPay account (external link). If you have any issues setting up your account, please email or your child’s school for advice (find contact details through our list of schools).

Pupils who are entitled to a free meal are issued with an identical account and the value of their meal will be automatically credited each day to prevent any possible discrimination.

Primary schools only

Use ParentPay to select and pre-book your child’s meals in advance, up to 8am on the day you require the meal. This ensures your child will receive the meal of their choice.

You still need to set up a ParentPay account even though your child is entitled to a free meal, so that you can pre-book their meals.

High schools and Additional Learning Needs

If your child is entitled to a free meal you can credit extra funds via ParentPay or PayPoint if required. This allows your child to spend more than the free school meal value at any time.

A £5 daily spend limit is set up on all secondary school pupils’ accounts, but parents can change this by request.