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Bilingual Story and Rhyme.
Warm welcome to all!

Wellbeing portal - Help and advice

The Wellbeing Portal offers a way to access a number of services in one go, without you having to repeat your story again and again. The place to go for anyone looking for help, information or support for children and families. Support for children, young people and families, all in one place.

Fancy learning to speak Welsh whilst enjoying a cuppa in an informal setting?  

Why not join us at Rhos Library each Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock

Suitable for beginners and for all who have an interest.

We welcome you all.

Would you like to practice speaking Welsh whilst enjoying a cuppa in an informal setting?

Why not join us at Wrexham Library 

Every Monday morning 10 till 11am term time only

Suitable for beginners and for all who have an interest.

Everyone welcome

First Thursday of the month 3:15

We hope you can join us

Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be provided

Please ask at the desk or call 01978 722890 for more details. 

This group is aimed at anyone who enjoys anything Crafty – Knitting, Sewing, Embroidery, Card Making, Crochet, Macramé etc.

Bring along what you are working on or just come and sit and have a chat with other crafters.

Refreshments provided but please bring your own mug.

Stay for as long as you wish 

"The Stitchers" is a group at Chirk Library. They meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 2.30 pm - 4.30pm.

If you can knit, crochet, sew, or embroider, then this is for you - if you need any help, or want to learn something new or to share your skills.

We welcome all.

Refreshments will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you.

Any further details please telephone on 01691 772344.

One of the most enjoyable ways of socialising and making new friends is to join a group or club.  Why not come along and meet people like you - have a chat about matters that are important to you  over a good old fashioned cuppa!  You can bring along any craft project, a book, a quiz - or just yourself!

Come and meet people like you and chat about matters that are important to you over a cuppa!