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If you’re thinking of starting your own business in Wrexham you can access free, impartial and confidential business support from our Business and Investment Team.
Submit an enquiry Use this enquiry form if you have a question for, or would like to request an appointment with, our Business and Investment team. Start now
Our Business and Investment team are able to provide details of local, regional and national funding schemes that you may be eligible for.
Our Business and Investment team are passionate and committed to helping businesses in the area to succeed. We offer free, impartial and confidential support to businesses already trading in, or those looking to relocate to, Wrexham. Submit an enquiry Ask for information, or arrange an appointment. Start now
Wrexham is one of a handful of places recognised by Social Enterprise UK for its social economy.
Our Business and Investment Team can help you market your business conference, workshop, seminar or presentation directly to your target audience.
This is one of four UK Shared Prosperity Key Funds available in Wrexham County Borough.
Our online investment guide has been created to tell you what Wrexham can offer your business. We want you to invest and to build your business here and we’ll do our best to provide you with all the assistance and information you may require in order to allow you to make your own decision about Wrexham as a business location. If you’re not quite sure Wrexham is the right fit, why not contact us and we’ll do everything we can to help you and answer any questions you may have. As a brief insight, Wrexham is the second largest county in North Wales, with a resident population in excess of 135,000. The area’s population increased by 5% from 2001 to 2011, with Welsh Government forecasts predicting a further 10% increase in the County Borough’s population by 2039, the second largest growth rate in Wales. As well as having a growing population, Wrexham also has a strong and diverse economy that shows every sign of maintaining the substantial growth that took place most notably in the 1990s and over the past 10 years. Again, Welsh Government statistics reveal that in 2019 there were over 12,000 active businesses based within the County
Following a successful expression of interest application, you will need to provide the following information as part of a full application, within 21 working days of the invitation to apply being issued:
One of the key aims of the Welsh Government is to ensure that all the people of Wales, including social housing tenants, have the opportunity to live in good quality homes, in safe and secure communities.